The Online Forum for Canadian Wine Discussion

New, revised version of the CANWINE list, now on the bleeding edge of technology (well, sort of!).

Friday, November 09, 2007

Under Construction

Well, I had another look at Yahoo Groups, and they have changed substantially since the last time I looked at using them to power CANWINE.

I'm still not 100% keen on them, but most of my concerns have been addressed: the biggest downer, for me, is losing the real-time interactivity that a blog demands. It's what's happening, we had a nice little readership base that was new from the move, and, to be honest, it's where the web is eventually heading anyway.

A Yahoo Group allows for some of that functionality, but not quite in the same way: I'm also thinking about starting up a CANWINE group in Facebook, if anyone is interested in using that format for real-time wine tasting parties.

So there's still a lot of construction dust (and will be for awhile), and I suggest you wear your hardhat, but you keeners can visit to stick your hands in the wet cement. I will be sending out an email to all currently subscribed members here on the blog to notify them of the shift, and possibly a blanket mailing out to everyone who was on the old list as well but who didn't make the leap here.


Blogger Bob Cotter said...

You move quickly... I didn't realize you were wanting to make a change so fast or I would have put in my 2 cents worth for using Google Groups which I find more easy to work with than Yahoo Groups...

Anyhoo... if I had more wine knowledge to share I'd be more of a contributor than a lurker!

I will be happy to follow the group wherever and will now head over to Yahoo Groups to see what's cooking there.

2:54 p.m.  

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