The Online Forum for Canadian Wine Discussion

New, revised version of the CANWINE list, now on the bleeding edge of technology (well, sort of!).

Thursday, December 28, 2006

A change in the posting routine

Hi all

I've switched the CANWINE blog over to the new format. It provides some interesting things to do, particularly if we (and I emphasize that this should be a group decision) decide to move the blog from being public view/private post to being totally private.

Hopefully, this change won't mess up those of you who have subscribed to the RSS or nightly-there's-something-new feed: please let me know by email if it does.


Blogger Lorne said...

Linda, I thought it might be worth posting publicly that your latest change has caused the RSS Feeds to work as they should on a Mac with Safari as the browser!
For the past month I was receiving no notification of new messages. Now, voilĂ !

10:04 p.m.  
Blogger Linda said...

Thanks, Lorne: I'm glad it's finally working properly.

I also have subscribed myself to the "digest" email post and noticed that switching over made me get *all* the posts, so I'm almost wondering if this is something I should have done when Blogger posted it up as beta awhile back.

7:18 p.m.  

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