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Friday, October 20, 2006

Tinhorn Merlot 2000

Pleasantly surprised this week to find that a Tinhorn Creek Merlot 2000, although starting to turn brown around the edges, was still quite drinkable. Anyone care to comment about keeping BC Merlots any longer than this?


Blogger Bob Cotter said...

Yikes. I still have four 1998 bottles on my shelf and two 2000s. I guess we better get down to some serious consuming.

Since I put new parts into the BBQ today and I planned to cook up some NY Steaks, I know what we will be drinking.

Cheers... Bob

12:40 p.m.  
Blogger BarryM said...

Hi all! Just signed on, moments ago...

Since I live in Ontario, my experience with Merlots from the foreign land of BC (in the LCBO's eyes, anyway) is quite limited, so I have nothing useful to add, only questions. :-)

I have single bottles of '01 Adora Elements, '02 Township 7, and '02 La Frenz... question is, when to drink? I'm guessing that I needn't be in a rush to get to the La Frenz, but how about the others? And, while this may be wandering dangerously off topic, any thoughts on when to pop the cork on a 2000 Nichol Syrah?

2:18 p.m.  
Blogger Linda said...

I'd probably drink the Township 7 now: I'm interested in seeing what the new owners are going to do (besides substantially grow larger) with the wines.

We've still got a 2000 Nichol Syrah in the cellar, which will probably get cracked over Christmas.

4:25 p.m.  
Blogger Gordon MacKay said...

The 98 Sumac Ridge Merlot was a fabulous wine, and I felt it peaked in 03/04. My experience with other BC reds from the hot vintages has been similar - 5 to 6 years is usually ideal. Exceptions are the more tannic meritage/cabs like Nota Bene, etc. Depending on the vintage these take more time.

Gordon in Lodi

8:42 a.m.  

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